Trip to Bandar Lampung


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Last January,  I went to Bandar Lampung with my friends, we explore several islands. first one is Pahawang Island. It took more than 2 hours to get there from Bandar Lampung, but well worth the wait and effort, because the scenery is magnificent, the white-sand beach and clear blue water. This place felt like private island because not many visitors come to this beach.

After from pahawang Island we went to Kelagian Beach,it took 10 minutes to get there by boat, when snorkelling I found a tiny starfish. So cute

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The next island is Balak Island not far from kelagian beach, this is my favourite island between others island. Because this island very beautiful, and quite. here are some photos!

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Pippi Longstocking


My favourite childhood book is Pippi Longstocking, I received this book from my mom when I was about 10 years old. and sometimes  I read it to bring back memories of my childhood

So This is a story about a girl named Pippi Longstocking, a redheaded little girl who lives by herself because Her mother died and her father was a sea captain supposedly lost at sea. She lives with a monkey named Mr. Nilsson and a horse.Pippi is extremely strong and can lift the horse with one arm. This is my favourite book  because Pippi has strong character and funny! She is not like other children. First, she lives all by herself in a house called Villakulla Cottage. Or rather, she lives there with her monkey, Mr Nilsson, and her horse. And she has two best friends, Annika and Tommy, who sometimes come over to play. Because Pippi is not only strong and independent, she also a great friend, and always up for some fun!

What’s more, Pippi doesn’t live by anyone’s rules but her own, and she’s perfectly fine with being a little different.

Running Man


Lagi penat sama kuliah? Capek, sedih atau gabut gak ada kerjaan? Pas banget nih nonton yang lucu-lucu, kayak Running Man ini. Udah tau belom sih kalian running man itu apa? Jadi running man ini variety show dari negeri gingseng (Korea Selatan) yang hits banget. Acara ini pertama kali ditayangkan pada tahun 2011 sampai sekarang, kalau kalian mau nonton langsung aja ke channel SBS. Variety show ini memiliki banyak penggemar dari semua kalangan loh, gak hanya di korea tetapi dari berbagai negara.

So, konsep acara running man ini adalah dimana semua pesertanya melakukan kompetisi untuk memenangi perlombaan dengan cara menyelesaikan misi yang telah diberikan. Slogan dari running man ini “Don’t walk but run”  maka misi yang diberikan selalu membuat member running man berlari untuk menyelesaikannya dengan cepat, dan jika mereka kalah dalam misi, mereka akan mendapatkan punishment

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Salah satu daya tarik yang membuat variety ini jadi booming banget adalah aksi lucu dan kocak para member running man. Member running man sendiri teridir dari 7 anggota yaitu Yoo Jaesuk, Ji Sukjin, Song Jihyo, Lee Kwangsoo, Kang Gary, Haha, Kim Jongkook.

Jadi tuggu apalagi? Dijamin bakal ngakak banget kalo nonton variety show ini! X)