Yummy Smoothies Bowl

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Last month when I went to Bali, I ate a Healthy Smoothies Bowl Nalu in Uluwatu. Inspired by Nalu Smoothies Bowl, So I want to share how to make your own smoothies Bowl. Super easyyy guys!


  • 1 packet of frozen dragon fruit
  • 1 cup chopped frozen Mango
  • 1/2 cup low-fat milk
  • Coconut chips
  • Raisins
  • Chopped fresh fruit (strawberries, banana, avocado)


  1. Combine the smoothie ingredients in the blender and blend until smooth.
  2. Pour the smoothie into a bowl
  3. Top with coconut chips and fruits (Strawberries, Banana, Avocado) and add raisins. Voilaa!

    Processed with VSCO

    A Smoothies Bowl made by me X)

14 thoughts on “Yummy Smoothies Bowl

    • nadia.latifah says:

      Bisa banget! Bisa diganti apa aja sebenernya tergantung selera kita, boleh pake buah-buah berries atau alpukat juga bisa:)

  1. Deby Kurnia P says:

    Kok enak. Boleh banget di coba dan dikombinasiin berbagai macem buah. Hmmm apalagi kalau dimakan waktu cuaca panas. Cocok! Thanks nadia

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